Christmas Joy Drive Recap

We had a great first year for our Annual Christmas Joy Drive. We partnered with Kingdom Care Senior Village (KCSV) located in Washington, DC. KSCV provides a wide range of resources, services, programs to aging adults (60+) in the community. For the 2021 holiday season, KSCV hosted a Christmas Party, and Cheer Up Wellness decided to get in on the fun.
We want to thank everyone who donated through our Amazon Wish List or gave monetarily. Our “Christmas Joy Drive” tremendous success, thanks to the generosity of our community, and our volunteers. With your support, we were able to provide over 45 Seniors with special Christmas gifts.
We extend a special thank you to the Raymond Banks Foundation and their generous donation to our Christmas Joy Drive.
The Raymond Banks ‘A Way With Words’ Foundation is a Baltimore-based grassroots nonprofit that provides free expressive arts and communication health programming. They believe ‘Self-Expression = Self-Empowerment and are committed to giving historically underserved communities a voice to grow. Click below to learn more.
We were able to gather variety of donations from books to puzzles, and personal care items. We wanted to ensure that each senior left with a smile.
Join us for a night of glamour, glitz, and high-rolling fun at our Vegas Senior Prom Extravaganza!